Priscilla. A writer, a psychologist wannabe, a student. Hopeless romantic. Pisces. Content.
"The thing to remember is, if we're all alone, then we're all together in that too.” - Katie Bates
title: Drabble This is a drabble I write based on Elfy aka Marissa's topic in Hufflepuff's common room on SAYS. Not my best writing, but I like it.
I used to think that my heart is not made of glass. My heart doesn’t smash to smithereens easily. It’s as strong and stubborn as I am. And I am quite glad to say it’s perfectly capable of healing its’ wounds quickly. But then my heart decided to fall for someone, someone so close to me yet I couldn’t reach him. I don’t suppose ten years old girls really understand the concept of love, yet when I first saw him, I felt for him. It was a mixture of familiarity and pity, it was like he was an old friend I couldn’t recall, and he looked somewhat lonely I just wanted to hug him. And then Fred told me his name. Harry Potter. I had squealed in admiration and asked to see him. At that moment, I began to develop something my brothers called puppy love on the Boy-Who-Lived. And by the time I enrolled in Hogwarts, it was close to the point of obsession. I couldn’t talk or act properly around him, and all I wanted to do was to think of him. That was one of many things that made me so stupid as to believe in Tom Riddle. When Harry saved me from the Chamber of Secret, I panicked. I had helped a monster, and I had nearly gotten him killed. Still he understood. He didn’t blame me or judge me. He didn’t even tell Dumbledore about the horrible things I did. In my eyes, Harry Potter was a hero, my hero. Four years passed. I had finally come to accept that he would only look at me as his best friend’s sister. It was painful to acknowledge, and I didn’t move on so easily. I pushed him to the corner of my heart and began to notice other guys. I even had a couple of boyfriends and managed to talk to him freely. I was happy, even though I still hid a hope for him to like me back. And then, he did. The few months we shared as a couple were probably the happiest moment of my life. I was content, but I knew it couldn’t last forever. Harry was too noble to put his feelings before everyone else’s safety. And I was right. The minute his eyes gazed into mine, I knew what he was going to say. I didn’t object, for I know his mind was made up. I thought it hurt when he didn’t notice me, but it hurt even more when I have to let him go. Especially when I know he still cares for me. I used to think that my heart is not made of glass. It doesn’t shatter into pieces easily. But Harry had proved me wrong. Once I had a love and it was a gas Soon turned out had a heart of glass |
title: Growing Up and High School I’ve always wondered how it would feel being in high school. Would it be any different from middle school? Harder? More Fun? Or would it be the same?
Well, two weeks after I start high school, I’m not sure how I should answer my own question. It’s really different, of course, what with the lessons being harder and the tougher competitions in the class. My parents put more pressure on me now, telling me that the school is expensive and I should do my best now that they’re paying more for my education. It’s not like I didn’t know. The school is expensive. It’s one of the best schools in town, of course it’s expensive! My classmates are all wealthy, not to mention smart. I really have to focus on my lessons just to keep up with them. My old friends haven’t changed so much. We’re all still joked around like we used to do, and two of us are still crushing on anime’s characters instead of real persons. :p We still don’t pay much attention to boys, at least not more than we always do. High school means growing up. Growing up means change. But I don’t think we’re going to change too much just yet. |