how you wonder who you'll be


Priscilla. A writer, a psychologist wannabe, a student. Hopeless romantic. Pisces. Content.

"The thing to remember is, if we're all alone, then we're all together in that too.” - Katie Bates



© * étoile filante
inspiration/colours: mintyapple
icons: cablelines
reference: x / x

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title: Fighting for the first time
date: Saturday, November 18, 2006
time:1:11 PM
For fifteen years, I had never had a fight with my close friends. My best friend and I grew apart for awhile, but we never had a real fight. I know you probably don’t believe me, but it’s true. Well, anyway, that has changed. In one and a half month, I have two rows with two different groups of friends.

The big one is with my closest friends, the one I hang out with everyday. It was a rather weird fight, with uncertain beginning or ending. I feel a bit guilty about the fight, because my comment started it. I teased Christy (fake name) about this guy who’s been text messaging her all the time and Laura and Tara heard it. They nagged Christy about who it was, but she didn’t want to tell them because she didn’t want them teasing her about him. That two can be real teasers sometimes. They got mad and walked away, but we didn’t call after them because we thought they were just sulking and it would end soon. It didn’t; they refused to talk to Christy, Via, and me for two days. We apologized and text messaged them, but they didn’t reply. We tried talking to them in school, but they ignored us like we were invisible. I was really mad, I hate it when people ignore me, and I was going to ignore them as well, but Via and Christy felt bad about the fight and didn’t want to give up. I told them they could keep trying, but I was tired of it. They did, and after three days, we were okay again.

Looking back, maybe I was too stubborn and too temperamental, and I’m glad my friends didn’t give up like I did. Nobody can ever replace Laura and Tara. I learnt something out of this: never let your friends walk away angry, solve the problem right there and then.

Our friendship isn’t the same again after that fight. You wouldn’t be able to tell if you see us, but I can feel the change. After all, you can’t just fight with someone and go straight back to normal. I'm just hoping we won't be fighting again anytime soon.

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