Priscilla. A writer, a psychologist wannabe, a student. Hopeless romantic. Pisces. Content.
"The thing to remember is, if we're all alone, then we're all together in that too.” - Katie Bates
title: 20k Yes, I broke 20k. I wrote 20,000 words in 10 days. HA!
And now I'm tired. Still have 30k more to go, but it can wait for at least half a day. I can barely think about where I'm going with the story right now. Ooh, btw, I have a Twitter. It's www.twitter.com/priss21. I thought it was silly, but it's actually quite fun. Follow me there if you want to. ^_^ Labels: julnowrimo, twitter |
title: Day 3 6,385 words.
Have never written so many words in three days. And I haven't even gone past the first chapter. It's a little crazy, but it's fun, writing without rethinking myself. Here's something that made me panic: I've already outlined 16 chapters, but an hour into writing, new characters are popping up! An ex-boyfriend, another best friend, grandparents, AND the boy my main character would fall in with later went from being the stepbrother's best friend to a careless driver who was involved in a car crash. O.o I've never outlined before. I usually just plan as I go, so sudden twists like those are to be expected, really. I'm hoping to be able to call myself a novelist by the end of the month, so wish me luck! Labels: julnowrimo |