Priscilla. A writer, a psychologist wannabe, a student. Hopeless romantic. Pisces. Content.
"The thing to remember is, if we're all alone, then we're all together in that too.” - Katie Bates
title: One Month and Two Days That is how long I've been in Melbourne. Doesn't look like a long time, but as they say, time is a funny thing. On one hand, it feels like I've been here much longer. On the other, it's as if I blinked once and an entire month had gone by. Suddenly we're approaching essays, tests, exams... And suddenly there's this conversation again about trying to get scholarship. Talk about getting my head in the game.
I'm not complaining. I have looked forward to going to uni ever since I was in year eleven. I've planned for this year - and the ones ahead - for a while, and so far I'm loving each moment. I get up every morning actually looking forward to class, I don't feel like curling up in bed and forget about school. High school was wonderful, but for me, it was mostly about getting to this point: Get good grades to get into the good uni. Which uni? Which major? Be independent. Get ready. Grow up. For once I'm ready to agree with Stephenie Meyer. I don't remember the exact quote but it's something like: High school is to be endured. College is to be enjoyed." I sure hope it'll stay this way for a while. Labels: Trinity |
title: This New Chapter So you'd think that having just moved here to Melbourne - well it's been a bit over three weeks actually - I'd have lots of stories to tell. And I do. I just don't really know where to start.
Well, for starter, it's not as bad as I thought it would. I keep waiting for the wave of homesickness to take over. And I'm still waiting. Haven't curled up in bed crying over missing home, though I do miss it. I miss the family, I miss my friends. Heck, I miss my dogs. Still, there are so many things to do and see here that I find myself distracted and hardly ever lonely. My house mother is perfectly lovely, and my house mate is too. I feel right at home. There was a tiny bit of drama at the start, but it's over now and I don't feel like bringing it up. Let's just say my gut feeling about someone was right from the start. Getting on the public transport was a bit nerve-racking at the start. I totally gaped at the tram, nearly toppled over inside it once, and the numbers and the train lines just ran gave me a headache. I've been driven around for most of my life, so it was understandable that I was a bit freaked out. Right? Thank God for my cousins (and niece) for showing me around. I'd probably feel lot worse if they weren't here. I used to say I've got way too many relatives - and I still think I do, but it's not necessarily a bad thing. ANYWAY... I'm used to the transportation now. Haven't gotten completely lost in two weeks. =P And once I'm less nervous about being in a compeletely foreign place, I don't freak out so much. =D I think I can safely say I've found my friends. Not just people I sometimes hang out with, but people you can confide in with your problems. They're all from Hong Kong, but we all speak English (obviously), so it's fine. Awesome, in fact. You'd think I'd connect better with people from my own country, but I don't. Not really. They're perfectly nice, but we don't click that well. Still, I miss my girls. I don't think anyone will ever come close to what I have with them, not as far as I can tell. As for school, classes are going well. I'm following lectures well, and I'm actually enjoying some of the classes. So far I haven't dreaded school at all, which is awesome. =D My electives are Psychology, Media and Communication, and Maths 1. And I don't think I made the wrong choice at all. Still have to establish a routine though; five months break from studying does nothing to help with my studying habit. So yeah, that's the past three weeks in a nutshell. Will be posting more, I think. Mostly because I will probably need the rant space, especially once homework builds up. |
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