Priscilla. A writer, a psychologist wannabe, a student. Hopeless romantic. Pisces. Content.
"The thing to remember is, if we're all alone, then we're all together in that too.” - Katie Bates
title: Kicking off the new year with rain The last day of 2009 started very hot, 35 degrees, and ended with pouring rain. I was cold, my hair's miserable, my feet hurt, and all and all nice and wet. The umbrella did nothing to help; I actually think it might have a leak.... But despite all of that, I had a blast. Started with picnicking with Candy's host parents and housemates. Well, I didn't actually eat anything. Just sat with them by the river and chat. The rain started falling around 9, and all 20 of us held up our umbrellas. I guess it must've been pretty funny to onlookers. One woman actually stopped to take pictures of us. :P Too bad I couldn't; my camera's not waterproof. =/ Mini fireworks display at 9.30. Was alright. Candy and I went to meet up with Dixon. The rain got so bad we had to go to Hungry Jack for shelter. Had never seen so many people in Melbourne before. It was pretty nuts. Oh, and a guy punched the glass door of Hungry Jack. It cracked. I think he was either drunk or fighting with his girlfriend, or both. The security didn't notice until he was gone. Around 11, we returned to fed square and stood in the rain (with umbrellas of course) and watched performance from this African dance group. It was fun, everyone singing along and clapping. Had a small conversation with this guy who didn't bring an umbrella, and I was being nice and shared mine. Not my type though, and I don't really like talking to strangers, so it ended really quick. The firework was just okay, I think. I've seen better. But what was exciting was the atmosphere. Everyone was counting down and excited and having fun; that was really nice. And I had a lovely time, didn't even mind being wet for a bit. But then of course everyone was going home and pushing each other to reach the trains. Not so lovely. But all in all it was definitely an interesting way to start off 2010. Hope everyone else had a wonderful NYE too! Labels: 2009, 2010, melbourne, NYE |
title: 'Cause it's the last day.... ...And I'm wide awake with Thania telling me to update this blog, so here goes.
It's funny, I'm sitting here trying to think of important events that had happened to me in the last year, and some felt as if they've happened a lifetime ago. Others felt as fresh as yesterday (which is only 46 minutes ago, Melbourne time, when I typed this). For years I wanted to be older, and now I am. ~ Margareth Atwood I spent the first two months studying my brains out for the university entrance exams. (Which I failed. Felt miserable at first, but meh. It's probably the best. I don't think I'll survive attending that university anyway.) Spent five months studying some more to finish high school. Spent more times with friends knowing it was almost goodbye. Graduated high school. Not exactly with flying colours, but with fond memories, which probably count for more than the grades on my report card. Had five months holiday, in which everything I've learned is forgotten and I got ready for Melbourne. Shopping and reading and listening to mini speeches about growing up... Sometimes I wonder if I had been so prepared that when it came time for goodbye, I didn't feel as terrible as I'd thought. Learned the hard way that nobody is perfect. And some people's screw up hurt more than others, simply because you trusted them more than others. Arrived at Melbourne. Started foundation. Made friends - good friends. All in the space of 2 weeks. That didn't leave much time to feel homesick, so I didn't. I missed home, but I didn't cry myself to sleep for it. Still don't. Worked hard for classes. Hadn't gotten anything below 80%. Yay. For the first time in a very long time, going to classes doesn't feel like a burden. Had my first taste of wine! And sake! And I don't love them. They're fine, but I'm not addicted or anything. Good thing too. Didn't fall in love. It's been forever since I had butterflies in my stomach because a guy was around, and I kinda miss the feeling. All in all, 2009 has been a hell of a year. Some epiphanies are far more bitter than others, but this one is sweet: I'm happy now. I'm happy being here, being who I am right now. I'm not completely happy all the time - I complain a lot sometimes - but I'm content. And for that, I am grateful. Labels: 2009 |
title: What's up with me Essays: piling. Exams: coming. I'm keeping my head above water, but it's a struggle. Missing my besties like hell. I wanna go home in July just to see them! Trying to figure out what I really feel about some things and some people. Have too many thoughts I can't put into a blog.
Labels: thoughts |