Priscilla. A writer, a psychologist wannabe, a student. Hopeless romantic. Pisces. Content.
"The thing to remember is, if we're all alone, then we're all together in that too.” - Katie Bates
title: Hail Storm! |
title: Random Disclaimer: Not meant to offend anyone!
In Psychology class today, while discussing about what intelligent people (the examples included Mozart and Einstein) have in common: Naoto: They all die young. Jorge: That's why Japanese live for such a long time. xDDDD Everybody broke out laughing, including Naoto. The lecturer looked at us like we were all nuts. We weren't, we were just tired from doing HOI essay. Labels: Trinity |
title: Life's fun little moments Moment #1
I knew that indonesian was offered as a subject here in Australia, but I never thought I'd know anyone who actually learned it. Then Jess - one of my PW friends - went on msn "gah, I need to do an essay in Indo" and I was like 0_0. And it turned out she's been taking Indonesian since grade 3! She's in grade 12! O_O Moment #2: Just when I thought a certain friend *coughmargarethcough* had forgotten about me, she texted me in the middle of the night to say happy belated birthday. Two weeks late, but I was still happy anyway. Moment #3: Been home alone for almost a week, and strangely enough I'm enjoying it. I like doing things at my own pace, it turns out. Except for the part where Dixon starts talking about ghosts. *glares* Oh, and the chores part. Moment #4: Whenever I get to chat on msn with thania, mag, nit, feli, chel and stella. Or any other good friends from high school really. Sometimes it's like we're still talking everyday. True we have to catch up on the topics, but it's great when you just fall into place together. |