Priscilla. A writer, a psychologist wannabe, a student. Hopeless romantic. Pisces. Content.
"The thing to remember is, if we're all alone, then we're all together in that too.” - Katie Bates
title: award! Got two awards from Chacha! Thanks girl. ^_^ It's called neno's award. ![]() The aims of this award: • As a dedication for those who love blogging activity and love to encourage friendships through blogging. • To seek the reasons why we all love blogging! Here are the rules of the award: • Put the award in one post as soon as you receive it. • Don’t forget to mention the person who gives you the award. • Answer the award’s question by writing the reason why you love blogging. • Tag and distribute the award to as many people as you like. • Don’t forget to notify the award receivers and put their links in your post. Why i love blogging: Simple: I love writing. Been writing for a looong time, and blogging is helping me getting into the habit of writing daily. I used to have a lock-and-key diary - still do - but blog is more fun in that your friends can leave comments and stuff. :p Now with graduation drawing closer, it could also be a way to keep in touch with my friends. ^_^ Second award! ![]() Giving it to Margareth and Clodd. =D Keep blogging, girls! Labels: award |
title: Remember When you think of the time
We spend growing up together Do you find it dull? Or do you still laugh at the jokes we made? If I see you ten years from now, Would you think I’m silly for bringing up the jolly old times? Or would you smile tenderly at them? Remember that striped pants I had? That crazy magenta shade of your hair? The tears we cried, the broken hearts? The songs we sang, the wide-eyed wonders? When I see you ten years from now, I’ll recall every ordinary miracles we made, That frail hand you broke when we were three And those mushy dreams we longed for It’s time to fly, yet we’re holding on To the precious past and the wild hope That we shouldn’t leave this place That we can stay the same forever I won’t cry and you shouldn’t I’ll see you again before the ten years end And even if you forget how funny we could be I’ll remember, forever. This was sort of dedicated to my best friends, though not everyone read it, but I did think of them while writing this. :P Don't laugh, okay? |
title: Thank you! To my awesome friends, thank you so much for the present! I was so not expecting it, and I really love it. So thank you again, I’m definitely going to use them. *hugs*
![]() the presents! That was definitely the highlight of the day, since it was fairly ordinary. But it was a good day though, despite the fact that the tryout marks are announced and mine are totally pathetic. Still, today is a good day so far. I really need to get a better grade, or I might just kiss my Trinity Fast Track year goodbye. So I proposed a studying session/challenge to Amanda, Stella, and Margareth. Each day we’re going to pick a subject and a certain number of questions to be answered. The next day we’re going to compare the result, and whoever fails to reach the goal will have to treat us with that crunchy mushroom snack in the cafeteria. We’re doing Physics today, which is one of my better subjects, I think, but it’s still a struggle. This is going to be fun. And I’m not being sarcastic. Not really. Labels: birthday, friends, school |
title: Trying something new… ![]() Like songwriting. Not exactly now, since I tried it before (and failed brilliantly at it) but I thought I could give it a go one more time. I honestly don’t see myself as a poet or a lyricist. I suck at rhyming, I don’t have a clue about composing songs, and I don’t know the first thing about haikus or sonnets and all that jazz. But ever since Feli moved and SAYS put up the Poetry Prompts section, I’ve been rediscovering the poet in me. A bit rusty at it, and a good amount of what I came up with won’t even see the light of day, but I’m pretty proud about some of them. Getting good feedbacks made me feel more comfortable too. =D I learned some things when I started showing people my poetries: One: They reveal a lot more than you wanted to With prose, you get to hide behind the characters, the setting, the plot. With poetry, there’s nothing to hide you. I believe all my writing has a piece of me in them, whether it’s a past experience or a wistful thinking, but it’s not all me. It wouldn’t be interesting if it was. :P My poetries, especially the later ones, are more about me: my life, what I want, what I feel, etc etc. That is probably why I’m more comfortable with showing them to my online friends than to my best friends, who are more than likely to know in an instant what or who I was talking about. Two: For me, simplicity is the way to go I don’t do fancy. Can’t. I try, but when I do write a poem, what comes from the heart – unedited – is usually the best. Guess I’m more Taylor Swift than Paramore, though I wouldn’t mind being Paramore sometimes. =D So all in all, I like writing poetries. But I’m not as confident with them as I am with my stories. So yes, I’m not going to post them here. Not until I’m really sure about them. ^_^ |
title: Photoshopping Compare these: ![]() ![]() The one on the top is the one I made for a challenge, but I never posted it because I didn’t finish it on time. The pretty one on the bottom is the one the_tofubeaver made for my story, A Bargain for the Heart. She finished that in a day. And it’s so perfect for the story. I wish I could make something like that, and I have been learning. But I’m not an artist to begin with. I suck at Art; I barely get by when I have to do the class. I’m beginning to think that words are my only medium. T.T
Still, it’s not that different from the ones I’ve made before. The person is always on the side, never in the middle. The text is in a straight line, never curved. I don’t know how to make it monochrome without making it look washed out or strange looking. My graphics are simple, and I’m beginning to think this is about as good as it gets. But maybe that’s alright. Maybe simple is my thing, or maybe once I do more tutorials or meddle around with Photoshop more, I’ll learn to do all those things I can’t do right now. We’ll see. |
title: What Kind of A Bride Will You Be? Lovely Lady You are lovely and caring. You help others and spread out a lot of sympathy. Your life aim maybe is to serve the people. But your weakness is that you forget about yourself, your own needs. All your time is hold back for your friends and family. You are always there for people in trouble. Ready for any emergency. You make a lot of sacrifices just to be a good human. But every woman has her needs, her longings and a destiny. Don't loose yourself in work or curing other people's souls. You will have your own problems in your life. Another problem is that you don't say your opinion when it's right and important to say it. People trample onto your soul if you are always so kind and lovely and helpful. They will play on you. Though you should try to relax more and enjoy your life, you should not loose the gift that was given to you to help others . Not everyone is created this way... You are uniqe and rare! Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner! :D I say this is 99% accurate, though I wont' say the same for the grammar. :p I seriously hope the part where it says "People will trample on your soul... They will play on you" is not true. Labels: quiz |
title: Boring Day I’m posting this from Windows Live Writer, downloaded yesterday. Hopefully this works. ^_^
So today is…kinda boring. The headmaster (who is also a priest) is upset with our class and two other classes because some of the kids were talking between themselves while he was preaching during the mass yesterday. He actually walked down from the altar and approached them, asking, “What are you laughing at?” And he smacked them. On the head. Probably wasn’t that hard, but still… Our detention is this: no teacher is to enter our class, there would be no lesson for us until we change our attitude and learn to have some respect. It was pretty tense, mostly because I’ve never actually seen him mad. I’ve heard of some mass-related incidents – from which detentions were always given to the students involved – and my sister’s class actually got the same punishment as mine do, but it only lasted for a day. Well, it’s been two for my class and it doesn’t look like it’s about to change tomorrow. To make amends for our ‘sin’, we had to have another mass tomorrow. At 6.25 am. Which isn’t that big of a deal, actually – since I always arrive around that time – but that means I have to be really sure we wouldn’t be late. *sighs* You might think an entire day at school without any lesson is cool. It is, for the first day. The second day…not so much. My class was super loud; I could hear them even after I plugged on my headset and turned it up. There wasn’t much to be done, either. I worked on my Religion assignment and then studied Chemistry, but I spent most of my time talking to Margareth. ^_^ Speaking of Mag, pictures!!
I didn’t take many, because I didn’t really know the others and Stel and Mag are the only ones who were excited enough to take a bunch of pics. =P Stella took some pictures of the couples too, paparazzi style.
She was so good, they didn’t even realize it. =D Saw this quote: A best friend will tell you, "I freaking love you!" in front of everyone and won't care if they think you're a lesbian. Lol. |
title: weekend recap Saturday - went to TP with the girls to celebrate our birthdays (Michelle's, mine, and Anita's). It was a bit weird at first, considering that they all brought their boyfriends - Mag/Hansel, Anita/Tommy, Michelle/Andrew, Jerry/Grace - but it was alright. We ate at XO Suki, watched Pink Panther, and talked a bit. The problem with hanging out in a large group is that you don't get to really talk to one another. You joke, pass the food around, and make small talks, but that's all there is. I'm more of a small-gathering sort of girl, so it was just okay for me.
Took some pics, but they're still in Mag's phone. I'll post them when I get them. Sunday - bathed Mickey. Poor thing was shivering the whole time, but he didn't try to run or bite. He stood quite still until we finished, and then he shook the water all off on us. =P Monday - had an elegant breakfast courtesy of my mom. Omelette, french toast, bacon, she made them all. Then Dad showed me how to cook veggies; first lesson out of many, I suspect. But it was sort of fun. Times with Dad are always fun when he's in a good mood. Anyway, took another quiz today: Your Passion Style. You mix passion with pragmatism Key Traits: open, sensitive, balanced, empathetic, loyal, thoughtful Introspective and self-aware, you have a solid grip on your emotions. Your friends and family consider you "the rock" they can turn to and lean on during tough times. Part of that trust comes from the fact that you always try your best to say what you mean and mean what you say. This is part of your healthy outlook on life, love and work. Hard work is important, but remember to listen to your instinct when it tells you to take a step back and enjoy the quiet moments. There are certain things that you will always be passionate about, whether it's a certain cuisine, a type of music, or a particular sport. On the flipside, there are also things that will never interest you. But that's OK. Your romantic partner appreciates your unwavering sensibility, your balanced temperament, and consistent signs of love and care. No idea how true that is. What do you think? Labels: family, friends, quiz, weekend |
title: Personality quizzes I used to take them religiously, but not so much anymore. Guess I got to know myself a bit better, I don't need them telling me what kind of a person I am. Still, they're fun, and sometimes surprise me. Like this one:
Dr. Phil's Personality Test: The Lively Center of Attention - Others see you as fresh, lively, charming, amusing, practical, and always interesting; someone who's constantly in the center of attention, but sufficiently well-balanced not one to let it go to their head. They also see you as kind, considerate, and understanding; someone who'll always cheer them up and help them out. (Me? Center of attention? Right.) And just to clear things up: I do not have a boyfriend. I'm not falling for anyone. No one is falling for me. We're friendssss. Let's not make it out to be something that it isn't, yeah? ^_^ |
title: Mickey And so we talked all night ‘bout the rest of our life Where we’re gonna be when we turn 25 I keep, keep thinking times will never change Keep on thinking that'll always be the same - Graduation (Friends Forever) – Vitamin C I’m listening to the mix CD I made for my best friends, and I can’t help feeling a bit sad. I’ve known some of these girls since junior high, and I can’t imagine being without them. We’re all going to go overseas for college, and though we can always keep in touch through the internet, it won’t be the same. They’re the only ones who understand what I’m talking about when I say fanfiction. :P It might be years before I would see them in person again. We always joke about how we’ll see each other ten years from now and we’ll be all shocked at how we have all changed. :D I just hope this friendship won’t be just another chapter of my life though; I want it to last for the whole story. On a lighter note... I have a new dog! Mickey I got him by coincidence. Last Sunday, we were going to take my sister to her piano exam when suddenly this little dog bolted into our house, crawled under the car, and refused to budge. It took us almost an hour to persuade him to come out. We suspect he was dognapped, because there was this suspicious-looking guy in front of the house, claiming Mickey (as we decided to call him) was his. But when we told him to call the dog, he refused and left. I think he was the dognapper. Either way, Mickey's living in our house now. He's still a bit jumpy, but he likes to snuggle up to me now. Which is so cute and adorable, but I end up smelling like him. :P My aunt makes it clear that he's mine and my sister's; we're the one responsible for him. It's a tad harder than I thought, but it's kinda fun. ^_^
Labels: friends, graduation, mickey, school |