Priscilla. A writer, a psychologist wannabe, a student. Hopeless romantic. Pisces. Content.
"The thing to remember is, if we're all alone, then we're all together in that too.” - Katie Bates
title: Sick Got really sick yesterday. Fever and stomachache. Had to lie in bed for twelve hours. I don't remember the last time I got this sick, out of nowhere too. I couldn't even bear the smell of food; skipped dinner and had chocolate milk and two slices of white bread for breakfast and lunch. And now I'm all tired because of the lack of food. Gah.
Well at least I could get up now. Still can't handle the smell of food though. More white bread for me. Yay... not. Anyway, watched Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist just now. Starring Michael Cera and Kat Dennings. Cute movie, a bit like Juno but lighter. Also rented Mamma Mia! So Meryl Streep and Pierce Brosnan might not have the best vocals, but they did well. And it made me laugh a bit to picture Pierce in his Bond suit, singing ABBA's "SOS". =P Here's to a healthier holiday, Priss |
title: Life Imitating Art I’m starting to think I’m a little bit psychic. Yeah. Or maybe just the sort of writer that draws a lot from experience. =P Here are some proofs: Art: One of my characters, who aspired to be a doctor, failed her Biology class in high school. Therefore, she couldn’t get into the university she wanted and became a teacher instead. I wrote this story in junior high. Life: I don’t want to be, but I suck at Biology in high school. And I didn’t get into the university I wanted. I seriously hoped the career part isn’t going to happen though. God knows I make the worst teacher. Art: Another character in my fanfictions is the only daughter of a famous Dragon Keeper, hailed as the best in the world. He wanted her to follow in his footsteps, but she refused because she had a traumatic experience with dragons. But her father pulled some strings and, through a series of circumstances, she went to Romania to study dragons. It’s a completely foreign country for her, and she’s in for a ride. Life: Well, thankfully my father didn’t do any of those things, though he did want me to follow in his footsteps, which I, too, refused to do. But the foreign country part is true. I mean, I’ve never even been to Australia before, and that’s where I’m going to study in October. *panics* I guess those may just be a series of coincidence, and I’m reading way too much into this, but there is one more thing. It’s a big aspect of my writing that was never supposed to come true, yet it is suddenly coming true. I won’t mention it because it’s too personal, but a friend once pointed out to me that it’s the one thing that almost all of my stories have in common. I mentioned this to my Mum and she laughed and said, “Stop writing then.” Which will never happen, obviously. But I’ll definitely be more careful about what I write in the future. :P |
title: Catching Up and an Announcement I feel a little bad about neglecting this blog, especially since I'm the one who usually nags everyone to update. =P But I'm on a limited internet connection which has to last until the next of the month, so yeah... Oh, and I'm currently addicted to Potter's World, a RPG forum. It's crazy fun, but I'll explain all about it when I have the time. I'm playing a guy character though, which is challenging and exciting at the same time.
Anyway, went on a farewell trip with my class last week. It was fun, for the most part. Sometimes it was boring too, but I didn't regret going. I had fun in BNS, the amusement park. Laughed a lot and played a lot. Slept with five other girls in the villa. There were only two beds, so we divided into two and slept like sandwiches. My back hurt the first night - I couldn't move at all throughout the night - but we made some changes the second night and I slept better. For whatever reasons, Lidwina had to sleep in the living room, on the couch, though. Sorry, Mak! =P We also had an incident with our bathrooms, but I don't want to explain that. Let's just say it was not pretty. The second night was a bit more solemn. We sat in circle and talked one by one about what we felt for the last two years. There was one love confession, and two hinted ones. Some girls cried, and we all apologized to each other. Well, not all. I didn't apologize to some people. One because I didn't really want to, but mostly it was because I didn't really walk around to find everyone. I was a little surprised when Erlin approached me especially to apologize, but I guess I wasn't very discreet when I get annoyed by her. I kinda feel bad about that. It's not like I hate her; I like her. She's just a tad annoying at times, but who isn't, right? Anyway, here's the big announcement: I'm officially an NUS reject. It blows, really, but I sort of cried ahead of time, so when I actually heard the news, I didn't feel so down. My parents sort of laughed it off and said it was fine, but I still feel like this huge disappointment. Bah. Now I'm worried about is coming to Melbourne in October. Funny thing is, I visited a fortune teller booth in the amusement park. She said financially I'm going to have to pay something I don't really wanna pay for, but it'd result in something much better. I wonder if that was the Melbourne thing. I hope so. She also said I need to live healthier (Hah!) since I catch seasonal disease easily. She's right. AND she also said I'm going to meet someone who, in a short time, will be my boyfriend. Said he's going to be one of those laidback guys who doesn't fall in love so easily. Cool. I know we're not supposed to really believe in those fortune telling stuff, but I've only been to a fortune teller twice, and both were pretty spot on. So yeah, maybe it's me being superstitious. But then again, you probably can't love Harry Potter and Charmed and not believe in magic, whatever form it takes. =) Labels: holiday, magic, melbourne, NUS |
title: cleaning and fun stuff Now that school is over, I'm emptying out my desk. It feels sooo good. Bye bye Math, sayonara Biology, bon voyage Chemistry! Hopefully I'll never see you again, except Math perhaps. In any case, I'm not going to open any sort of text books for the next month! Anyway, it's high time I clean up life too. But I'll tell you about it when I know exactly what I want to do. So, yesterday I went out with Michelle to watch Monsters vs. Aliens (in 3d!) We were supposed to be a threesome, but Anita had a date, so it was just us. Would have asked Margareth or Stella, but neither of them was a fan of animation, or hanging out for that matter. =P But! It turned out that Michelle's sister and a friend wanted to tag along, and my sister wanted to see the movie. And then we were five. Since Michelle had this class meeting for their farewell party, Anita and I waited in the library. We talked. Like, really talked. I haven't had a proper conversation with Anita and Michelle, so it was great. I told her about my dreams and laughed our heads off throughout that conversation. We talked about long-distance relationships too. (Freakily enough, when I checked my email afterward, I had this newsletter from 123greetings and the title was: Mother's Day, Long-Distance Relationship, and Bride at 60. Omens, anyone?) So, after Michelle's meeting was done, we went to Shinjuku so Anita and Michelle could get their blue extension put in. Then we returned to school to drop off Anita, and then we went to Sutos. We ate at Frankfurter Hotdog for lunch. Michelle and I have a craving for it (the very reason we didn't cancel in the first place) and I'm glad we went. I haven't had bratwurst in a long time, and it was delicious! And so... filing. I was stuffed to the brim. I probably need to go on a diet, but... meh. The movie itself is okay. The plot's predictable, but animation has a certain charm to it, and it was funny listening to Dr. Cockroach and keep thinking, "That's House!". =D And it was the first 3D movie I've seen (not counting the ones in amusement parks), so it was cool. Took some pics. *thinks she should just start a bathroom photos collection, like Ellen DeGeneres and her Bathroom Concerts* ![]() ![]() Anyway, back to cleaning! |
title: Follow the signs Had the weirdest yet most coherent dream last night. It's rare, so I remembered the details. I feel silly explaining it (it was that weird) so let's just say it got me thinking. I've had a similar dream not a long time ago; different, but I woke up feeling exactly the same. Maybe it's a sign?
Or maybe I'm reading too much Paulo Coelho. Fic Clique May is The Alchemist, so I'm picking it up again. It's a beautiful book about realizing your destiny. There's a quote that I love in there that I can't find right now, but it goes something like: when you really want something, the whole universe conspires to help you reach it. It's true for the boy in the book; he found omens along the way to guide him to the right direction. Maybe it's true for me too, only I never pay attention in signs. =/ I don't know, really. I probably just need to talk to someone about it. On a lighter note, one more exams and school is over for good. And I love Kelly Clarkson's new album! Whyyawannabringmedown is my least fave, but overall I love it. ^_^ And Demi Lovato is surprisingly good too. Much better than her Camp Rock songs, though I did like This Is Me. =P |