Priscilla. A writer, a psychologist wannabe, a student. Hopeless romantic. Pisces. Content.
"The thing to remember is, if we're all alone, then we're all together in that too.” - Katie Bates
title: no idea what to call this So I haven't updated this blog in forever. I don't really know what to write.
Well, there is one exciting news. As of last Friday, I am officially a high school graduate. It should be exciting, but it feels rather anti-climatic. We already said our goodbyes to the school (and the teachers) months ago. Getting my diploma was a big problem though. You see, we already scheduled a weekend getaway and suddenly they announced that we have to take the diplomas on Friday. So what we did was: the family drove up to Malang, dropped off my mom and sis at the hotel, then my dad and I (and the driver) drove to Surabaya. Right after the whole ceremony was over, we drove back to Malang. I spent at least 8 hours on the road, listening to the songs on my phone over and over and over again. Anyway, I'm back in my hometown... and starting to take daily Chinese lessons. I can say some of the simpler sentences now, though I'd probably pause here and there to remember the tone. =P And I'm cooking! Well, only once, but it turned out okay, and I'm going to cook more. And July is almost here! Wish me luck as I attempt to write 50,000 words in 31 days! *nervous* Labels: chinese lessons, graduation, julnowrimo |
title: Catching Up So... Been very busy. Not busy as in "oh God, I have absolutely no time to relax" busy, but life has been very eventful.
Sunday: Officially graduated high school. It was a good feeling, though there was nothing to celebrate. I mean, you must graduate. It's not an achievement. But still, it felt good. Oh, and went to Suramadu in the morning. You'd think it was the Golden Gate by the way people lined up to cross it. There must have been at least a hundred motorcycle there. And it's just a bridge. ![]() Also went out with my sis to Sutos. Ate at Frankfurter Hotdog, which is quickly becoming one of my favorite eating spots. I love the sausages. =D My sister has all the pics. Tuesday: Hung out with Michelle and Anita at GM. FUN! ![]() ![]()
Today: I'm supposed to go to Alfalink to take care of stuffs, but I have to wait because the AC is going to be repaired today and the people who have to repair has yet to come. Gahh. Labels: family, food, friends, school |
title: I can't cook, but I can clean Yes, I haven't practiced cooking. But I have cleaned. This morning, I rolled up my sleeve and borrowed the mop and the broom and started sweeping and mopping my room. Don't know how clean it is, but it's a good exercise.
It's raining... I sort of like moments like this; it's calm and cold and overall peaceful. As long as it doesn't storm, I'm good. Anyway, went to Thania's house last Friday and we compiled a list of qualities guys should have to be worthy of us. =P Will post my list later, but it definitely got me thinking. I've had that sort of list ever since I started seeing boys as... boys, but I've never quite fallen for the guys with traits I've listed. I just... fell. My heart never lets me choose. It chooses for itself. *is mushy* Still, though I won't be very picky about it, I'll stick to my criteria. To be honest, I'm not that worried about being single, but I'd love to fall in love again. It's always a great feeling when it's right, and I miss that. Labels: cleaning, friends, L.O.V.E |
title: Another one... and homework ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Again, should've been posted last month. Thank you chacha! I don't know which one you wanted to give me, so I take them all. =P Rules: 1. Put these awards into your blog 2. Tag 10 friends 3. Links those friends 4. Tell them about these awards 5. Share this link to others and to whom these awards tagged Too lazy to tag again, so the same to the previous tags. =D 1. 5 things found in my bag: - Notebook - Purse - Lipbalm - A pen - A small comb 2. 5 things found in my purse: - Money (duh) - ID - Various random business cards - Receipts - Photos 3. 5 favourite things in my room: - My bed - My wardrobe - The collage my friends made me for my 17th birthday - Pictures - My desk 4. 5 thing I always wanted to do: - Write (and complete) a novel - Publish the said novel - Visit London - Have a guy friend, not a boyfriend. A boyfriend is nice too, but I'd like to have a guy friend I can really talk to. - Go to a concert. 5. 5 things I'm currently into: - Editing - Blogging - The Biggest Loser - Eureka - Cooking (or the effort to cook) The person who inspired you now is: Mum Your five impression of her: Strong, understanding, strict, great, loving 1. Punya handphone? Ya iya lah 2. Merk + tipe handphone? Nokia... Ga tau tipenya. 3.Warna/gambar theme yang lagi dipakai sekarang Merah hitam 4. Wallpaper? Standar 5. Warna casing? Ga ada casing 6. Aplikasi/folder yang pertama keliatan begitu tekan tombol 'menu'? Gallery 7. Bahasa yang digunakan di handphone? English 8. Kapasitas baterai saat ini? 50% 9. Pakai slot memory? Jenis? Ga 10. Total kapasitas slot memori? Sisa kapasitas yang belum terpakai saat ini? --- 11. Choice: Banyak terisi untuk apa memorinya?(A) Foto (B) Video (C) Musik (D) Lain-lain? A & C 12. Ada fitur koneksi Bluetooth? Ada 13. Nama Bluetooth kamu saat ini? Sweet Niblets 14. Aplikasi yang paling sering kamu gunakan? messaging 15. Sisa pulsamu saat ini? Ga penting 16. Provider seluler yang kamu pake? Simpati 17. Nomer handphone? Hahahaha |
title: award ![]() This was supposed to be done/posted last month, but me being me, I forgot. =p Thanks to my sis, Clodd, for this award. Rules: 1. Put the logo in one of your posts 2. Put the link of the blog who has given you this award 3. Give this award to those 10 people who are friendly and inspiring, put their blogs’ links as well 4. Tell them you’ve given this award by leaving a message on their blogs Amanda Margareth Stella Yuni Agung Lidwina Labels: award |
title: Fun Stuff I said before I would explain what Potter’s World is. So, here goes: Potter's World is a Play-By-Post RPG (Roleplaying Game) forum. As explained on the forum: Roleplaying is the act of telling a story from your character’s point of view while other people and their character contribute to it as well. You all begin on a specific plot line with a common knowledge background, which, in this case, is the Harry Potter universe and the back story plot line which has been kindly provided by the creators of Potter’s World. Basically, we create a character different from ourselves. The game revolves around Harry Potter’s universe, obviously, so everyone starts on the age of eleven, when you just start Hogwarts. Your character will receive the Hogwarts letter, visit Diagon Alley, get on Kings’s Cross, and eventually arrive at Hogwarts. In seven years (game time. In real life = seven months or more, depends on how often you play), you complete Hogwarts and move on to being adults. So at the heart of it, it’s like when you were a kid and play in your bedroom, pretending you were someone else. It’s loads of fun, especially if you love to write, because it’s all about description and dialogues. My character is a boy named Kendall Atwood. I only realized later on that Kendall is a girls’ name in US, but I found it in UK boys’ name section of a website, so I stuck with it, only I had him nicknamed Ken. He’s still an ickle first year, but next Saturday he’ll be a second year. He’s fun to play, mostly because I’m not a boy, so it’s a challenge to keep him boyish and not girly. =P Speaking of writing, I’ve been planning a novel for JulNoWriMo (July Novel Writing Month). It’s usually called NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) which takes place in November. I’ve never been able to participate because finals are always around that month, but they’re opening up another time slot this year. Basically you have to write 50,000 words in one month. You just have to write and not care about grammar, whether it makes sense or not, and all that. It’s quantity over quality, just to get you start writing. Editing can always come later. Since I’m not doing anything, I’ve decided to participate. I’ve already have a novel in works, but I’m not going to work on that this July. I know I’ll be a perfectionist if I use that one, so I’m writing a new story, but with my old characters. I’ve already started planning up to chapter 6. I’ve never planned anything I’ve written before, so it feels strange, to say the least, but it does get me organized.
I’ll try to keep blogging when July comes around, but I make no promises. =P Labels: hpff, julnowrimo, potter's world |
title: Steps to the edge “To keep our faces towards change and behave as free spirits in the presence of fate is strength undefeatable”-Helen Keller
Yesterday was the first step to goodbye. We bought two suitcases, especially for me, with advices that I should put whatever I want to bring into them. I sat at my library and began to wonder which books I’d like to bring, if any. One day I would like to bring my Harry Potter collections, but that would have to wait until I have a permanent home. I looked at the pretty collage my friends made for me and felt sad, knowing I have to leave it here. Mum talked about buying winter clothes, new shoes, new jeans, and I thought I should get a very short hair cut before I leave. I fed my dog and wondered if he would still remember me when I come home years from now. It feels scary, now that it’s really here. I feel like I want to go, I can’t wait for college, but I also don’t want to say goodbye. I have to fly, but taking off isn’t easy. Had the briefing too yesterday. Saw exactly two faces I recognized, only one of those I knew by name. The guy who sat next to me looked familiar, but I can’t place my finger on it. There were less people than I imagined, but we’re probably only a small portion of the big picture. There wasn’t anything new to the presentation, but I felt excited. Now I really listen, because this school was where I was going to be in four months. Four months. Seems like a long time now, but October will be here before I knew it. But first, we’ll have to go through graduation first. Which will be in… two weeks? I hope my grades are good. Will let you know if they are. |