Priscilla. A writer, a psychologist wannabe, a student. Hopeless romantic. Pisces. Content.
"The thing to remember is, if we're all alone, then we're all together in that too.” - Katie Bates
title: wish list As requested, here is my wishlist as posted on Facebook. Keep in mind these are just for fun, and I don't really want or need any of them. :P I wouldn't object if you get them from me, but don't go out of your way. ^_^
The problem is what I really want can't be bought. I want to get to NUS, I want to graduate high school with good grades, and I want to be at peace with myself. I want to finally finish my novel and get somewhere with my writing. Seems like a lot to ask, doesn't it? Hopefully I'll get them anyway though... Labels: wishlist |
title: weight off my shoulder These past few days had been hell for me. Heck, it had been hell for everyone. The preparation for the play demanded much more time and energy than I thought and, more than once, I wanted nothing more than to bite someone's head off or crawl under my cover and not wake up. I was this close to be the bitch who would not hesitate tell her sick friend to suck it up and come to practice no matter what. I was tense, short-tempered, panicky, and probably hated (and was hated by) some of my own teammates.
In short, the monster reared its ugly head. But it's all over. We performed this morning; had to wait for almost an hour for the sound guy to arrive (I had no idea if he ever arrived or not, but I still think we paid them for nothing), Margareth had several accidents, and the music was all wrong toward the end (I should've made sure Stella knew her cue), but it turned out pretty okay. Whatever. All that matters is that it's all over now. YAY!! On a lighter note, I'm eighteen now. Doesn't feel that different than being seventeen, but we'll see. ;) I had an okay birthday. Mum cooked the whole day, and we had to go shopping for the ingredients which was pretty fun. Dad was in a good mood the whole weekend too, which is always a good thing, and he cooked too. And I got to eat ice cream both times we went out. I'm happily stuffed.I didn't get any gifts, but it's alright. I can't think of anything I want that you could buy here (though I do have a wish list up on Facebook, but most of them are frivolous things), and my friends are way too busy to put together something special, so I totally understand. =) Mum said she'd buy me a pair of real earrings, unlike the plastic ones I currently own, and maybe some of the things I might need when I actually leave for uni, wherever that may be. Which reminded me that this might be my last birthday here. *sighs* Oh well, at least it was a good one. Labels: birthday, eighteen, family, food, friends, monster, school |
title: love songs marathon A day late, but I finally narrowed down my list of favorite love songs. In random order:
The Way - Clay Aiken Because You Live - Jesse McCartney You Found Me - Kelly Clarkson What Makes You Different - Backstreet Boys Things I'll Never Say - Avril Lavigne Everything I Have - Clay Aiken I'd Lie - Taylor Swift Best of Me - Blue Some Hearts - Carrie Underwood Bubbly - Colbie Caillat Realize - Colbie Caillat Always Be My Baby - David Cook I Won't Say (I'm In Love) [The Hercules soundtrack version] Take My Breath Away - Emma Bunton Why Can't I - Liz Phair True- Ryan Cabrera Come What May - Ewan McGregor and Nicole Kidman There are lots more, but these are the songs I would never get tired of. The highlight of my Valentine: chatting with Anita and Feli on msn. Teasing each other about guys, laughing and joking, talking about school... It's almost like Feli never left. Almost. =p But it was all fun. Though I pretend to be strong about it, it'd be horrible when we all have to leave for unis. I realized something yesterday. If all my friends have boyfriends and I'm the only one who is single, it won't be the 'single' part that I will be worried about. I don't mind being single. It will be the part where they choose the boyfriends over the best friend, which I know from experience will happen at some point despite what they all say. But I guess I could understand. For some, it's studs over duds, and there's nothing I can do about that. Labels: friends, love songs |
title: productive day So today after school, my group and I worked on our play again. We made the properties - basically messed around with a bunch of styrofoams and paints - and actually had some fun. We argued a bit at the beginning, but it worked out alright. Took some pictures too! Will post them when I get the chance.
It's Valentine's Day tomorrow! I haven't bought any chocolate, but I helped my sister bake her brownies and she's going to let me have some for my best friends. Yay! =D I'm putting together a playlist of my favorite love songs, but I haven't finished it yet. Will post it tomorrow! Have a lovely Valentine, everyone! |
title: sick Had to go home from school early yesterday because of a bad stomachache, and then got a fever in the evening. Still sort of feverish this morning, so I'm skipping school today. I should be giving my speech right now, and it's probably a bad idea to stay home since I'd be the last one doing the speech, but I don't think it's a good idea to go with my head still all fuzzy like this.
At least I get to rest. I haven't fully rested since I got home from Jakarta. That's probably why I got sick: I'm exhausted and stressed. In fact, I couldn't sleep yesterday, worrying about the speech, Math test, the play... My brain just wouldn't rest until my mom told me it's okay if I want to stay home today. Then I slept like a rock. Speaking of which, I should enjoy my freedom while it lasts. That is, if you can call being constantly called and nagged by your grandma freedom. Why do I have to be the nice kid - the one she's not afraid of bothering - eh? Gonna go lock myself in my room so my grandmother can't bother me anymore. Gah. |
title: Monday Blues NUS test is over at last. It’s a relief, and I don’t have to worry about it until April. I don’t know how well I did, but I don’t want to dwell on it. It’s done; I did the best that I could, and now I can only hope that my best is enough.
I would like to thank all of my wonderful friends for the well-wishes and the supports. It meant the world to me, and it kept me calm. Honestly, I didn’t panic at all during the tests. I got nervous before I entered the room and got a little scatterbrained during the essays, but I was calm. So thanks, you guys. I love you all. =) If I fail, give me a big hug and tell me it’s going to be fine, okay? That might be over, but school is still as demanding as ever. I had two tests this morning, both of which I probably failed since I didn’t study at all yesterday. I got home at midnight and immediately hit the bed. I would’ve skipped school, but I didn’t want to have to take the tests alone, and Mum said it was okay if I failed this time. =P We’re going to perform the play and aerobic next week. Just thinking about all of the work we have to do exhausts me. Hopefully it won’t be as difficult as it seems to be. |
title: tick, tick, tick I'm leaving for Jakarta in less than three hours. A little scared, but also strangely calm. Keep telling myself it's going to work out, but I keep picturing me sitting there, in the test room, frozen, while my heart races away. God, I hope that doesn't happen.
Finished packing half an hour again, but I'm going to check again. I tend to forget things when I'm all worried and nervous about something. Pray for me? Labels: NUS |
title: SOS Days pass more quickly when you're expecting something scary to happen.
THREE MORE DAYS!!! I'm trying very hard not to freak and focus on studying, but the more I think about it, the closer I am to screaming. But there's no time for a nervous breakdown right now. I can have one after the test is over, but at the moment I should put all of my energy into studying. Which might explain why I didn't do any better at Monday's Chem test than the previous. =/I've given up on the fun things, like writing and watching TV (though I make an exception for Idol. It's Hollywood week! And it's only an hour, right? If it's two, I swear I'll only watch the first hour). Anyway, gotta get back to studying. =/ Wish me luck! |