Priscilla. A writer, a psychologist wannabe, a student. Hopeless romantic. Pisces. Content.
"The thing to remember is, if we're all alone, then we're all together in that too.” - Katie Bates
title: looked the part Yesterday was…exhilarating. We had our yearbook picture taken, and I… Well, I don’t think I look very pretty, but I did look the part. The theme was office, so I wore my plain white shirt (had to dig it out from the back of my wardrobe), my old black trousers, and my mum’s black jacket. I knew it would look rather plain, but I wasn’t about to ask my parents to buy me new clothes when they’re already spending so much on more important things. Anyway, I looked like a career woman, the boss even, if you asked my classmates. They wouldn’t stop teasing me about it, though my friends were kind enough to tell me I looked good. Really office-y, but good. I knew I wasn’t going to look like a beauty queen anyway, and the pictures turned out well, so I was pretty happy about it. =) Took some pics while I waited for my turn: ![]() Gaby and me Labels: friends, school, yearbook |
title: getting harder everyday I would love to get up in the morning, all bright and happy to start a new day, instead of curling up even more, feeling around for the snooze button. There's hardly anything to look forward to these days. All I could think of when I get up is, "What am I going to study today? Math, most likely. What's on TV today? Probably can't watch it. Gah." But still, I get up, find something good about the day, and move on with the routine. Maybe I just need to do something different, special, for myself. Get myself out of this rut.
I've taken up the challenge to read 50 books this year. So far I've read:
I've stopped reading novels routinely since eleventh grade. Maybe I should start again, that'll cheer me up a bit. Yes, I'm a bookworm. If that isn't obvious already. =P Labels: assignment, books, challenges, NUS, school |
title: Busy busy busy This week feels like it would never end. Three exams in a row, the play getting graded tomorrow, homework, NUS… The list goes on. It seems like we’re not going to catch a break until Sunday and Monday, which is the Lunar New Year. Don’t think I’ll get loads of money this year, but hey, school’s out, so I’m not complaining.
Anyway, today is Michelle’s eighteenth birthday. The girls and I gave her the first present we bought together (practically raced to the bakery after school to be able to give it to her in time). Anita is planning on her own gift, and Mag, Stella, and I are planning some things too. One of them is going to take some time, but I’m sure I can finish it before we graduate. ^_^ Gah, I still need to work on my speech for the Indonesian exam. My topic is ‘Suicide among Teenagers’, but I’m thinking of changing it into ‘Depression’. Both are rather dark, but there’s a lot to talk about. I just need to do a bit of research first. So looking forward to Sunday. |
title: Lots and lots of studying It's Sunday, and I have not gone to the malls. I haven't sat in front of the computer or the tv for more than an hour. Instead, I have been chained to my desk, studying like my life depends on it. Now that the excitement is gone, I'm all anxious and worried about the test. It's only three weeks away. THREE WEEKS. And I have to study Economy, Geography, and History. ![]() the mess that is my desk I'm freaking out a little bit here. I mean, I haven't studied two of those three since tenth grade! And the lessons, especially for Geography and History, are different from what I've learnt. Though, in all honesty, the History book is rather interesting to read. It's like reading a story. Did you know that Singapore and Malaysia once merged together and formed a country, but eventually parted ways because of racial conflicts? Indonesia opposed to the merger, even had a group called the Indonesian Confrontation that sabotaged Singapore by violent acts. The Confrontation only ended when Suharto became President. Seriously, it isn't that boring. Geography is, though. And Economy isn't so bad, but I do hate having to study it all over again. =/ |
title: OMG OMG, OMG, you won't believe what I just found out. I got called for NUS' entrance test! *squee* I'm still shaking. I was just sooo sure I won't get called. With my horrible grades and their high standard, I just didn't think they would look at it twice. But apparently they did.
It's going to be on 7-8 February, so that means I have, uh, less than three weeks to study. Omg. Going to study, now! |
title: Yay! I finally figured out the new blog, much thanks to Thania for the guidance. :P
Well, there's nothing super interesting today. As predicted, my legs are sore thanks to yesterday's run. And I just got home from school at 5 p.m. But today wasn't that bad for me. I had some laugh, thanks to Elien and Stella. The script was also done (finally!), copied, and distributed to my group. I'm slightly worried about my part (I'm playing a slightly insane girl who's somewhat overbubbly) Tomorrow's the first practice - in front of the whole class - so hopefully it'll go well. Just need to finish my English assignment and I can rest on the weekend. Hopefully. Anyway, American Idol Season 8 has begun! I know it's only the auditions, but I just can't stop watching. The bad ones are hilarious (though I feel bad for laughing at them, but the judge's reactions are sooo priceless sometimes. :D), and I like guessing which good ones would make it to the top. That way I can root for them from the start. I remember watching David Archuleta's, David Cook's and Brooke White's auditions, and those three end up being my favourites. :D Well, it's on again right now. So I'm off. Talk to you soon! Labels: American Idol, assignment, blog skin, school |
title: new skin |
title: Nominee I ran ten laps in PE today. In eight minutes. My uniform reeked of sweats, and at one point I really thought I would pass out. I’m very sure my legs would be all stiff and throbbing tomorrow morning.
I need exercise. Desperately so. Anyway, I love award season. Most of the time I should be studying instead of watching them, so it’s kinda a guilty pleasure. =P The red carpets are always fun to look at, but my favorite part is when the presenter announces the winner and he/she looks genuinely surprised about it. Even though I don’t know them, I can’t help but be happy for them. However, the award I’m looking forward the most isn’t held in Hollywood. It’s the Wizard’s Choice Award on SAYS. It’s a lot of fun to go through my favorite stories and find the ones I want to nominate, read the nominations, and hope that my name or my story would pop up somewhere. =P This year, it actually does. Yayyy!! I’m nominated for Most Helpful Beta and A Bargain for the Heart is nominated for Quirkiest Pairing. It feels so awesome just to be nominated (because the ones who nominated me are the writers who are just brilliant), I honestly don’t mind if I don’t win. Not that I don’t want to win though. =P Anyway, gotta go back to editing that script for my final. *sighs* I just can't seem to get it right... Labels: award, hpff, SAYS, school |
title: So Far So Good It’s the second week of the 2009, and I can honestly say I have been doing a pretty okay job with keeping up with the resolution. I’m thinking positive thoughts, even chanting ‘I love Monday’ to myself this morning. I’m sticking to the schedule I made for myself (most of the time). Oh, and I eat my vegetables now (though I stuffed myself silly last Saturday, eating dim sum, and I still don’t exercise). I’m writing almost daily now, even if only for fifteen minutes. So far so good.
On a different note, school is going to eat me alive. Seriously. Our first test is this Wednesday, and more will follow. I still have a scene and a half to write on that script, an English assignment to be done, and practical exams worries. It takes all of my will power to not just toss them aside and play Wedding Dash 2 instead. Mini games are so addicting. Anyway, I’ve been doing some thinking. Suddenly I’m not sure if I want to study English Lit in college. I’ve already picked it for my last choice for NTU, but what am I going to do if I get accepted for it? Don’t get me wrong, I think I’d be happy there, but what kind of career would I have? I still have my doubts about my writing skills, and in my head I know I can’t rely too heavily on it. I wouldn’t turn down a chance to get into NTU, but it depends on what my parents decide. They’ve been more accepting about my writing for the last few years, but I don’t think they’d be thrilled if I study it for my major. *sighs* I worry too much, don’t I? Labels: food, games, NTU, resolutions |
title: Blackout There was a torrential downpour yesterday, which unsurprisingly caused a blackout. A SIX HOURS BLACKOUT. Thank God for emergency lights, or we would have sat in the dark for practically the whole night. I was allowed to skip studying, but I would rather study than to sit on the couch, doing nothing.
Well, I didn’t do nothing. The blackout meant the family –me, my sister, my aunt, and my grandma – had to sit together in the family room since there was where the emergency light was, and we started talking. Grandma not so much, but the three of us did. It was not heartfelt or serious, but we laughed a lot. I discussed my novel with my sister. I like doing it with her sometimes, even though she only says, “that’s alright,” or “I don’t like it.” When it’s the latter, she’d point out what she didn’t like in a blunt manner, which makes her one of my harshest critics. Sometimes she gets too annoyed with me for fussing so much over a storyline, but yesterday she was patient enough to listen to me ramble on and on about my characters and their relationships and then offered her thoughts. It’s nice, especially considering the fact that when we were kids we used to bite each other's heads off on a daily basis. =P |
title: Not My Lucky Day It’s only the second day of school, and already the assignments are piling up. Ugh. February’s especially looking to be rather gloom, or at least crazily exhausting, since it’s the month where most of the practical exams are going to take place. >_<
Oh, and guess what? The channeling-Mother-Teresa thing isn’t working at all. I don’t even want to talk about it – it’ll give me migraine – but let’s just say when it comes to group assignments, today is just not my lucky day. It’s pretty good, with the girls joking around and me actually getting some work done, but the script is still waiting to be written and I’ve yet to study for the ‘big test’. Not to mention I want to work on my writing but know that I should put it aside in favors of my academic stuffs because I don’t want to fail my parents again. But you know what? I think I might pull through. I will make it through; barely, maybe, with many tears, sweat, and blood, but I will make it. Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right - Oprah Winfrey Labels: 2009, bad day, friends, oprah, resolutions |
title: Back Home Well, the holiday’s over, so now I’m back home. It’s a little strange, saying I’m back home. When the holiday starts and I go to my parents’ house, it’s also ‘back home’ for me. My friend once pointed this out to me, but I can’t remember who. =P
Back in the city also means back to school. It’s nice, seeing everyone again. No one’s changed too drastically; a haircut here and there, some new rumours, but nothing too drastic. What not nice is getting up at five thirty in the morning and actually sitting through the lessons. And don’t forget that annoying classmate. Some people should have ‘I will learn to shut up’ or ‘I will try to be less self-centered this year’ on their resolution. This semester already looks to be one of those semesters that just seem to fly by. Big exams lie ahead, including the entrance examination for NTU, which makes me dread my birthday more and more each day. And there are the practical exams, which is possibly more alarming than the written one. I just wish I didn’t have to work with that said annoying classmate. *sighs* I pride myself in being a pretty patient person, but Mother Teresa is probably the only person who would be able to tolerate him smilingly. Maybe I should start channeling Mother Teresa for now. I won’t have to deal with him again in a couple of months anyway (here’s hoping I won’t ever see him in college). I do have more important matters in mind. Like the fact that I only have four months left in high school, and that though I know things might change and people grow apart, I still wish that, when I get married, my best friends would be there to tease me, that my bridesmaid may be the girl I know since I was nine. Or the fact that once I set out into the ‘real’ world, I might not be able to live as a writer and have to find a ‘real’ job. So much for positive thinking. Labels: friends, home, reflection, school |
title: Resolutions After many poking and proding, here’s my official list of more do-able resolutions:
1. Think positive. 2. Live healthier à start eating right and exercising routinely (maybe once a week). 3. Get into NTU or Melbourne (Melbourne is good, but NTU is my first choice atm). 4. Stick to the schedules I make for myself, aka start to actually use a planner and not just own one. 5. Graduate with flying colors. 6. Complete SAYS Epic Challenge 2009 (which consists of completing my original novel and a fanfiction). 7. Become a better beta reader and reviewer. 8. Learn to cook. Labels: 2009, resolutions |